We encourage you to pray and seek God's guidance on how He would like you to respond. Discuss with your spouse and family what a commitment to Forward Together might mean for you. As God has been generous to us through the gospel, we ask you to be generous with what He has given you. Your support for Forward Together will help our church make significant strides, expanding our ability to share the gospel with our neighbors, community, and future generations.
We are asking you to commit for 26 months. The fulfillment period will begin in November 2024 and end in December 2026, which spans 3 tax years. You can give your commitment at anytime and pace during that time period.
At the conclusion of the Forward Together initiative, Providence members will vote to approve the construction project and any associated debt, if applicable. If the ForwardTogether initiative is approved we will begin construction as soon as possible.
Our commitment to planting a church remains strong! We believe deeply in the vision of multiplying local churches, and we aim to build a facility that will better equip our members for ministry. Eventually, this will enable us to send parts of our congregation to establish new churches. If we exceed our fundraising goal, we plan to dedicate $200,000 of our Forward Together initiative to church planting efforts.
While it might be feasible in a later phase, it would probably just serve as a warming kitchen or staging area for the caterer. Due to today's regulatory environment, the costs for commercial kitchens are significantly higher than typical construction expenses. So, adding a new kitchen wouldn't make economic sense or add to our vision of Forming Families, Equipping Saints, and Multiplying Churches.